Fifty-five examples of good practices were collected during the project. These can be searched by theme, sector or by country below.

Third-party violence and harassment (TPVH) is an increasingly common problem and risk for workers in customer and client facing services. Efforts by the social partners to address and prevent TPVH led to the signing of Multi-sectoral Guidelines to tackle third-party violence and harassment related to work (in 2010). A social partner project to review and update the Guidelines took place between 2021 and 2023.
This web site gives information, data and examples from the project’s final report and the process for the updating of the Guidelines.
Good practices collected in the project’s research show the importance of:
Improving the quality of and access to public and private services is critical to reduce frustrations that may lead to violence and harassment from users, clients and customers.
Negotiations of workplace policies and collective bargaining agreements that prevent and address TPVH.
Prevention programmes, with gender-responsive risk assessment and risk mitigation, and security and safety measures.
Complaints mechanisms that workers trust, including confidential advice and information.
Training and awareness raising for managers, workers as well as members of trade unions and employers’ organisations.
Psychological and other practical support for workers affected by TPVH or domestic violence.
Learning from cases, including data collection to review and record incidents of violence, while guaranteeing the confidentiality of victims/survivors.